Set in an East Village park in 1967, Hair is the musical story of a group of hippies who celebrate peace and love in the shadow of the Vietnam War. The loose plotline centers on Berger, the charismatic leader of the “tribe,” and Claude, a sweet-natured guy from Queens who’s about to be drafted. Other memorable characters include Berger’s war protester girlfriend Sheila, lovable flower child Crissy, Mick Jagger fan Woof, Claude’s straight-laced parents and many more. But the real star of Hair is the rocking score, which includes such classic hits as “Let the Sun Shine In,” “Aquarius” and “Good Morning Starshine.”
Dionne - Akillah Clark
Berger - Luke Stewart Woof - Jordan Shear Hud - Michael Quinichett Claude - Jonathan Collura Sheila - Candice Kight Jeanie - Dakota Thorn Crissy - Shelby Butz Ronny - Samara Baptist Hiram/Hubert - Joshua Fouasnon Mary - Rachel Gaunce Walter/Margaret Mead - Nick Navaratnam Marjorie - Jessica Parker Steve - Johnny Robison Emmaretta - Kirsten Rosenthal Paul - Tom Miller Leata - Jordan Shafer Suzanne - Kelsey Tschannen Keyboard - Phil Brown Dupont Drums - Darren Wethington Bass - Richard Wesner Guitar - Jon Allen Trumpet - Shannon Thouvenin Trumpet - Alan Dosky Trumpet/Trombone - Josh Kaplonski Reeds -Margot Marshall-Goetz |
Production Team
Director - Michael Newsome
Music Director - Joshua Boggs Assistant Director - Sage Moreno Stage Manager - Ed Eblin Costumer - Doug Joseph Asst. Stage Manager - Keith Wollenberg Sound Technician - Logun Baker Lighting Designer - Rob Philpott Lighting Technician - Michele Chaney Spotlight Operators - Holly Griffis & Joe McNally Props - Lisa McNally Stage Crew - Helen Lee & Alicia Batterson
Special Thanks
Art Monster Productions
Columbus Children's Theatre Short North Stage Union Cafe Debby Monney Hamrick Debbie's Costume Shop Melinda Slagle |
Hair is presented by special arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc